Saturday, 25 October 2014

Hello again

Hey everyone,
Sorry it's been so long since I've made a blog post but you know me I've got my crazy social life to keep up with ;) nah just more like twitter/youtube in bed while eating but seriously I've been piled up with a level homework, anyone who is doing 4 A levels will understand the torture and ridiculous amount of work.

But anyway I wanted to talk to you about over worrying about often nothing at all. Now don't get me wrong there's many occasions when it is necessary to worry about things in life like exams, job interviews and even the future. But I mean to talk about the little things in life to say "Every little thing is gonna be alright" please say you know who I'm referencing too..

For example, like worrying about what teachers are gonna say to you in school the next day like if you were stuck with the homework so you haven't done most of it (especially if you aren't the most confident person like me so you find it hard to stand up for yourselves). Going from what I've learnt (and yes I'm only 16 but age doesn't matter) honestly don't stress about it or stay up way too late trying to figure it out bcos chances are if you are stuck with the work the majority of your class are going to be as well.

And if you just listen to one point here me out on this one: yes there will be the incredibly smart people who annoyingly seem to understand everything but life isn't meant to compare yourself against anyone, if you are happy with how you are doing yourself then don't stop doing what you love because of other people putting you down. This goes with everything in life whether if it's school related if you want to drop or give up with a subject bcos of your teacher/classmates or socially related if you feel like you must quit doing gymnastics(just an example) because you're a guy and you are getting abused bcos of this. Don't give in to the haters because that's exactly what they want, continue doing what you love and go prove them wrong by kicking their butts in that sport/activity/or whatever!

I'll leave you on this final note;
Try do something today which you've always wanted to do but felt you have been held back by other people, no matter how small or big the change is just go for it!

Talk to you soon!

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