Sorry this post is a week late but I haven't been feeling that well last week and so wasn't feeling up for it so yet again it's late. I feel like I'm apologising constantly oops, sums me right up..
So basically as I've just finished my AS year of sixth form I've moved on to A2 work now and last week our school had a 'Next Steps Week' which is self explanatory really but where we visited Leeds Uni and Leeds Beckett for a UCAS convention with loads of other uni's and of course there were apprenticeships for people not interested in going to uni. However on Monday the army came in to school and so we did team building activities, army drills and so much more. It was such a good day and the funny thing is the scary stereotypical army guys were there shouting out orders to us but lets just say they knew how to have a laugh as well (by tormenting our year & getting us to ask the other scary army guys for something that doesn't even exist). As we live in England of course no one expected it to be warm out and wow it was boiling (22/23° is hot for us okay..) so nobody put on suncream. I didn't realise until I got home as I had army paint on and it was oil based so was impossible to get off, great right..but my whole forehead and nose was bright red and stung like a bitch! Ever since then I felt just awful and me and my friend came down with sunstroke it was horrible. I had to take Wednesday off school but luckily everyone I knew who went that day said it was shit so I didn't miss out.
Last Saturday me and my family drove to Bristol to pick up my brother from uni after finishing his first year, which I still cant get into my head how fast the time has gone. He stayed in the Holmes which I believe is part of Churchill throughout the first year which was such a lovely place as it was opposite the Botanical Gardens (don't know if he'd admit that but he loved the flowers really). So we went for a look around the gardens which contained greenhouses with 100s of cacti and other types of pretty flowers (my way of saying I don't know the names ha) Here are a few of my favourite flowers I thought you'd like to see:
I've been trying to think of what this flower reminds me of or who for ages so if any of you have any ideas, feel free to comment below as that flower just makes me laugh. Also below, in case any of you are interested in going to Bristol I took a few pictures of where my brother stayed. So if you're interested in what the accommodation looks like then take a look but I'd definitely recommend going to the open day!
Yesterday I visited York Uni Open day with my friends (school allowing us the day off made it even better) and I know I've said to you I was contemplating whether I wanted to go to uni but today really swayed me to going. The uni campus is such a beautiful place with a lake surrounding the buildings, in case any of you are interested or couldn't go but wanted to here's a few pictures I took below. Also I found the English Language & Linguistics course to be really interesting when I talked to people there about it and I also went to a lecture on it. The only thing is if I'll meet the entry requirements of ABB which scares me a bit but they said there is room to discuss if people don't meet the grades so I just have to hope for the best.

Before I go, I must tell you how I nearly lost my camera forever in school last Thursday. On Thursday's I only have 2 lessons, photography first (typical we didn't end up using our cameras) then a free, then after break my last lesson was psychology which meant I could go home straight after. Only when I was writing my photography homework down I realised I hadn't brought my camera home so I suddenly panicked as it is worth a lot of money. I rang up my teachers at school immediately, giving them multiple places where I could have left my camera. Eventually after a lot of running around from several of my teachers they found it after backtracking my day I remembered I must have left it in the corner of the private study room before me and my friends went to the shops haha. I was so relieved when I got reunited with my camera yesterday after my friend picked it up for me; like finding my lost love..maybe a bit too far but oh well.
Hope I haven't bored you with my long blog post, I just felt after not posting for a week there was a lot of catching up to do. Hope you've had a good week and I promise (not that it means anything to you with the way I am;) to post on time next saturday. Talk soon!