So my plan of posting on Sunday failed but isn't it more fun this random day since it's a surprise the next time I post (yeah I've never been that good at lying...)
Hmm what have I done since I last posted, well I said I'd show you an updated version of our Christmas tree, so here it is!
So we got our tree from Stockeld Park like we always do and in their Christmas gift shop I saw a small cherry blossom tree but they only had either bright white lights or warm yellow ones.
Me being me (obsessed with a bit of colour everywhere) wanted the multicoloured lights on it as they had one with coloured lights but on a huge tree so it was ridiculously expensive.
But of course I could rely on Amazon so I ordered a small multi coloured tree and it looks so cool!
You just attach on the flowers itself and it was only like a tenner/£15, I can't remember because I didn't actually pay for it because my parents are sympathetic as I'm living that fun student life remember..

Just thought I'd show you the cute entrance to the section of the shop which basically was the christmas lights section, I loved it way too much. I also got a cool changing colour light up snowman which I'm so obsessed with (loving life being a big being an adult noo never)
So yeah I did actually buy something from the Christmas shop. Here's a sequence of pictures as an attempt to show you how it looks when it's on (still haven't worked out/don't know if you can upload videos on here oops)
Then on Saturday I went Christmas shopping in York with my mum and we went to Betty's as a special treat since we did that last year as well. Gotta keep the very special 1 year tradition going you know (yeah it's so not a thing but hey it happened)
The food was so good, I mean it fkin better be for the price you're aka my mum was paying! I got smoked salmon with prawns and prawn marie sauce on an open sandwich and my mum and I (yeah that's right only took me to be an english undergrad to remember to not say me and my mum..) shared a Christmas rosti.
So we ended up bumping into the moaning lisa (yep I actually meant to say that) so of course I took a picture as the guy looked so funny.
We wanted to have a full on day of Christmas shopping so after we got to Leeds we stayed a bit before we went home and we went to the German Market. I don't think I've been to it before which is so weird since I've lived here all my life! I mean it was cool and everything but just so expensive so I didn't actually buy anything, doesn't help being on a student budget (who said being a student was fun..)
The Christmas lights were all so pretty though!
I also found a nice Christmas present for my brother from York which I really hope he likes, basically it's a lamp that lights up all different colours as it reflects the coloured mosaic on it. I swear if he doesn't like it I'm just gonna keep it (sounds like a good plan b for me)
Skipping back to more of what I got in York since I didn't actually buy anything for myself in Leeds, I just ended up buying my friend's christmas presents.
So way back in a previous blog, I must've shown you the glass snowman I got so this year I had to get another little figure from my fave glass shop, of course I chose a santa (yep it has no legs but why not) So here are both of my cute little figures:
I just wanna leave you with the cutest cats like I don't even know what to call them but just look:
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and I especially hope you have the best Christmas ever and just relax, oh and happy new year as well!!
Probably won't be posting on sunday as it's christmas so talk again sometime next week!