Thursday, 29 January 2015

Guess Who's Back

Hey guys!
Guess who's back, back again...I always seem to start with a song but I mean why not. Sorry it's been a while, I'm kinda in denial at the fact that it's almost February now.
Haven't had the best of times to be honest but I'm one of those people where when I'm down or just starting to feel better which I am now that I prefer not to talk about it as it just brings all the crappy emotions that I was feeling back. But lets just say it involved my anxiety mixed with stress of sixthform and mocks/coursework deadlines. On a good note as it's year 11's sixthform taster day tomorrow it means we get a day off school, gonna use it as my main work day but still I'd way rather be at home working than at school.

So my friends told me they just finished watching vampire diaires, well season 5 as season 6 isn't on netflix yet and they cried because it was a shocking twist like you don't know how bad I just wanna bingewatch the rest of season 5 now as I'm on season 5 episode 13 but I'm actually gonna be good and prioritise work as well as vampire diaires;)

I went to see Jessie J last sunday night at the O2 Academy in Leeds, she was absolutely amazing her vocal range is stunning and she's such a good performer on stage. If you haven't listened to Jessie's music then A what have you been doing with you life B seriously wtaf and C honestly though you should give her a try and go listen to her new album sweet talker (but if you're gonna buy it go for the deluxe version ofc). I would show you a video but if I'm being honest I don't know how to, it wont let me save the video so sorry about that, but if you're interested just youtube her or check my instagram where I posted 2 of my videos but I didn't end up getting any really good pictures as we weren't that close to the front but still was so good and I mean you may as well follow me whilst you're there...check out that smooth self promo --> justsoph_x

The snow's randomly come back today and I don't even care if you're one of the people who get really fed up with snow and I get that because it annoys me sometimes especially if it doesn't ever snow enough for school to be closed but you have to make an exception for how pretty it looks outside when it's properly snowing and blowing in the wind; like a winter wonderland. Lets be honest even if you hate the song it has to make you sing in your head let it snoww, let it snoww...or maybe that's just me getting a bit carried away oops

Here's some pictures I took of my cat Smudge experiencing the snow involuntarily oops so as you can tell she clearly doesn't like the snow she only lasted like 2 minutes but that was just enough time for me to capture the moment and take some good pictures..I mean priorities right.

Yes I am aware that that the snow may have turned a blue colour but lets just pretend I meant for that to happen. If you want to know all the photos I take will either be on my phone like some of my previous pictures or like these where they will be taken on my new DSLR camera. It's a Canon EOS 1200D so if any of you out there are interested in photography like me and are willing to spend a decent amount of money on a camera then I would definitely recommend this model, it's super easy once you get the hang of it but I'm still learning though as you can tell from the accidental blue didn't look blue on the camera I swear;)

Lastly above is a picture of my cat hiding from me in the snow, I reckon that's a decent depth of field shot (I know so much about photography you see). Well I should as I'm doing photography for Alevel but I'm one of those people who takes ages to get the hang of something but once I do I find it super easy so it's not too bad I guess.
Right, time to watch vampire diaries I think, will talk to you more often I promise!
Go enjoy yourself and if you could do one thing for me it would be to not worry as much as you do and don't get sucked into the pressure to succeed from today's society as I think recently I've worried for the whole nation so you all deserve a break.
(vampire diaries is a good break, just saying)

Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Reality of School

Hey everyone!

Forget to tell you but I got a temporary Christmas job at Next for just over a week and just got my payroll last week and received £99.90 which I'm pretty happy with. I just did things like ticket clothes and red pen sale items which was alright even though after I ended up with red permanent marker all over my hands but ah well it was so worth it. They rang me up and asked me to come in on a monday and I ended up building all the display furniture like sofas, chairs and this huge desk drawer thing which honestly I'm pretty proud of myself for becoming a builder for a day;)

Now I can finally say on my CV that I've had a job before yeahh, and when it comes to summer I can do some more temporary work at next as well. So if you ever get the opportunity definitely say yes to a job even if it's only temporary and you want part time because in a lot of jobs they usually keep on several people if they like them well enough.

So last wednesday my school had the mock results day which was treated way too seriously like we had an assembly talking about results and this RAK(Random Acts Of Kindness) which is good because it's about doing random little things ever day in January for other people but some of the things suggested like holding open doors for strangers and helping someone if they dropped something for example isn't something you should only do for a month. I mean I do things like that all the time and I'm not expected to get a prize for it, it's basically called having good manners. Anyway then we got given envelopes containing our results so here's what I got: B in english language, C in photography, D in psychology and U in english lit. I love how my grades start good then they just start to get worse ugh they just really sum up this year so far like I told school I was struggling and wanted to drop lit but did they listen..of course not that's not what school is about(says sarcastically). If you didn't already know this then you are way too naive, all schools care about is their students getting good graders so their school looks good. They couldn't care less how their students are coping with the pressure and work load, they just wanna get promotions and raises. Sorry to burst your innocent little bubble but I mean don't blame me for saying the truth, blame the government for messing around with the school systems, like from next year there will no longer be AS levels presumably they will just do 3 a levels. So we are the last year to do 3 a levels and an AS yet school still force you to keep doing that AS even if you're struggling and will actually do worse if you carry it on.You wanna know what my head of sixthform teacher said to me: "I can't let you drop an a level because then you'd only be left with 3 and what if you fail one of the exams, then you'd only end up with 2 a levels". Isn't that just such bullshit like you could say that about anything, to use his logic for example what if you did 3 a levels and an AS but you failed the AS then you'd only be left with 3 a levels, I swear this teacher (not gunna name names because confidentiality and all that crap..see I'm using my psychology ethics knowledge) just constantly speaks out his arse to be totally blunt about it.

Wow, there goes my rambling, like as soon as school is brought up I could have a million arguments for why it's such hell. But on a brighter note, I'm going to see Jessie J live this month in Leeds on her tour with my friend which I couldn't be more excited for!

I've also been reconsidering the idea of going to university, like I've always pushed it away because it is a big decision to make and with my anxiety that would make it so much harder; but then I thought I'm not gonna let my anxiety take over my life. I was doing my english language homework yesterday and realised how much I actually enjoyed english like originally I was thinking about doing something to do with art and photography in uni but I'm not that creative really and to get the marks that's what you need to be. I was just looking and most universities who offer english language as a course say you have to get about 200-300 UCAS points. The only problem is if I drop english lit I would have to get 3 B's in all my a levels to get 300 points which I think is achievable but will just be pretty hard to do. But I'm just gonna see how this year goes and see how I'm feeling about uni then as my feelings about it are pretty mixed still.

Anyway guys talk soon
and remember to have fun!


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Hey guys!
This is so weird I cant believe it's the 1st of January already like I know I'm still gonna be that person at school who forever writes 2014 as the date and then when it come to the end of 2015 only then realise I'm a year behind. Anyway, I hope you all had a good christmas break and I wish you all a very happy new year!

So it's the time of the year where people will have written themselves over a dozen new years resolutions to follow and honestly I just find it so pathetic. Like if I was gonna write some stuff down and pretend I'll actually do them I might as well go to school;) Yes, it may help some people but I just think if you really wanna become a "new you" then why wait for a date to affect how you're gonna act and behave, personally that has just never made sense to me.

Finally snow has arrived in the UK, and if it came a day earlier we would have had our first white christmas in ages! It's pretty much all melted now but using my DSLR camera I got for christmas(I know I'm incredibly lucky and feel so grateful for it and all the other presents) I took lots of pictures so you can have a look below. For those who live in America, I'm extremely jealous of how much snow you've had I mean don't you think you should just send some more over to the UK; it never last here I wanna go sledging again.

Recently, I've started to get obsessed with a tv series called 'The Vampire Diaries' I got recommended it by a friend and have become way too addicted already. I'm on season 1 episode 8 it may not seem like a lot but each episode is just over 40 minutes. If you like romance mixed with obviously the theme of vampires then you'll love it, just go check it out! I watch it on netflix if any of you are wondering, it's the best thing ever it's about a fiver for each month but you get unlimited access to films, tv shows and pretty much anything else, you also can watch it from any apple device, obviously tv and computers but there's a 30 day free trial if you just wanna try it out like I highly recommend it. The only thing is once you get it, you'll end up spending your life on there like as soon as any episode finishes it automatically plays the next one after which is so hard to resist not watching.

Right will speak to you soon
Have a good'un
(my attempt at trying to be casual which clearly didn't work)
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