Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Reality of School

Hey everyone!

Forget to tell you but I got a temporary Christmas job at Next for just over a week and just got my payroll last week and received £99.90 which I'm pretty happy with. I just did things like ticket clothes and red pen sale items which was alright even though after I ended up with red permanent marker all over my hands but ah well it was so worth it. They rang me up and asked me to come in on a monday and I ended up building all the display furniture like sofas, chairs and this huge desk drawer thing which honestly I'm pretty proud of myself for becoming a builder for a day;)

Now I can finally say on my CV that I've had a job before yeahh, and when it comes to summer I can do some more temporary work at next as well. So if you ever get the opportunity definitely say yes to a job even if it's only temporary and you want part time because in a lot of jobs they usually keep on several people if they like them well enough.

So last wednesday my school had the mock results day which was treated way too seriously like we had an assembly talking about results and this RAK(Random Acts Of Kindness) which is good because it's about doing random little things ever day in January for other people but some of the things suggested like holding open doors for strangers and helping someone if they dropped something for example isn't something you should only do for a month. I mean I do things like that all the time and I'm not expected to get a prize for it, it's basically called having good manners. Anyway then we got given envelopes containing our results so here's what I got: B in english language, C in photography, D in psychology and U in english lit. I love how my grades start good then they just start to get worse ugh they just really sum up this year so far like I told school I was struggling and wanted to drop lit but did they listen..of course not that's not what school is about(says sarcastically). If you didn't already know this then you are way too naive, all schools care about is their students getting good graders so their school looks good. They couldn't care less how their students are coping with the pressure and work load, they just wanna get promotions and raises. Sorry to burst your innocent little bubble but I mean don't blame me for saying the truth, blame the government for messing around with the school systems, like from next year there will no longer be AS levels presumably they will just do 3 a levels. So we are the last year to do 3 a levels and an AS yet school still force you to keep doing that AS even if you're struggling and will actually do worse if you carry it on.You wanna know what my head of sixthform teacher said to me: "I can't let you drop an a level because then you'd only be left with 3 and what if you fail one of the exams, then you'd only end up with 2 a levels". Isn't that just such bullshit like you could say that about anything, to use his logic for example what if you did 3 a levels and an AS but you failed the AS then you'd only be left with 3 a levels, I swear this teacher (not gunna name names because confidentiality and all that crap..see I'm using my psychology ethics knowledge) just constantly speaks out his arse to be totally blunt about it.

Wow, there goes my rambling, like as soon as school is brought up I could have a million arguments for why it's such hell. But on a brighter note, I'm going to see Jessie J live this month in Leeds on her tour with my friend which I couldn't be more excited for!

I've also been reconsidering the idea of going to university, like I've always pushed it away because it is a big decision to make and with my anxiety that would make it so much harder; but then I thought I'm not gonna let my anxiety take over my life. I was doing my english language homework yesterday and realised how much I actually enjoyed english like originally I was thinking about doing something to do with art and photography in uni but I'm not that creative really and to get the marks that's what you need to be. I was just looking and most universities who offer english language as a course say you have to get about 200-300 UCAS points. The only problem is if I drop english lit I would have to get 3 B's in all my a levels to get 300 points which I think is achievable but will just be pretty hard to do. But I'm just gonna see how this year goes and see how I'm feeling about uni then as my feelings about it are pretty mixed still.

Anyway guys talk soon
and remember to have fun!


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