Saturday, 25 July 2015

Start of Summer & Random Thoughts

Hey guys!
The 7 weeks of our summer holidays begin yeahh..

Before I begin unfortunately I have no pictures of my dyed ends of my hair as it pretty much failed, you can just see a hint of blue/green and some pink but I was hoping for way more. The struggles of having brown hair not naturally blonde as I don't want to ruin my hair by bleaching it so instead every 6/7 weeks I'm gonna get my hair pre-lightened blonde so the dye should show up next time I try (everyone pray for me..and no not literally idek I swear if people heard me daily they'd think I was religious but I'm 100% not..not saying it's a bad thing tho and wow I've dug myself in a hole to offend people by mistake written by me oops)

Last Sunday I went to a dog show in Ripon with my friend which was an experience yep. They had this woman as a judge and you would sign up with your dog for various competitions such as best tail wag which let me tell you I should've been the judge because she definitely picked the wrong dog. Although really it's of course very subjective and it's hard to alter that unless you have multiple judges assessing the dogs. My friend's dog Molly was the absolute cutest, think she's a cocker spaniel but no she didn't win anything but cheesy as it sounds she's the real winner in our eyes for best puppy as she's only 8 months old aww. Here's a picture I took as my friends mum succumb to the pressure of putting bows in her hair as an attempt to sway the judges (didn't work at all but at least she looked cute).

I realise now I definitely over edited the picture to the left but I mean it's all a learning curve right?! That's literally what I have to tell myself otherwise I'll drive myself to insanity by editing to find the perfect lighting and everything else, surely you go through the same first world problems as me haha.

Right so something I need to tell you ok so I didn't see it annoyingly (but probably for the best as I would have pissed myself laughing) but these people at the dog show who were above average weight sat on this bench and it broke.. now if they don't see that as the biggest sign that they need to lose weight then I don't know what is.

Now for my weekly random thoughts that pop into my head:
  • I always email myself pictures to save onto the computer and I was just thinking that isn't it funny how emails never question you when you send them to yourself as if it's a totally normal acceptable thing to do
  • So I've decided to tell a couple of my friends to meet 3 hours before the actual meeting because they're both as bad as each other for example one of my friends was asleep late but then woke up quickly getting ready to soon be waiting at the bus & the other friend was ready at the normal time so complaining about the other friend but then the complaining friend ended up missing the bus as she didn't realise how quickly the other friend would be ready (probably one of the most confusing things I've wrote really) so advice if you have friends who are constantly late is to tell them to meet way earlier than they actually have to, done it once before & it does work so give it a go!
  • I've finally figured out the only way to get me to stop watching episodes of tv series on Netflix which is for the episode to be a sad one so I'm such an emotional wreck that I can't watch anymore
Going on from the last point well on Wednesday I watched such a sad episode of the orginals where one of the people died and yes I was absolutely crying my eyes out. Hopefully some of you are like me and probably get way too into tv programmes like personally it won't take me long to find a new ship I'm suddenly obsessed with or fall in love with the people so get so sad when anybody dies. Although I do think the signs of a good tv show is one that can bring you on an emotional roller coaster (wow I feel like the contestants on x factor who are forced to say when they go out "I have loved my time here and I truly have been on an emotional roller coaster" like yeah sure you have mate).

Forgot to mention but I had such a good time ice skating last Monday and I didn't fall over! I may have needed help from friends sometimes but I could go up the hill by myself without holding on which may sound not that hard but trust me everything on skates is 10x harder. Also on monday there was this weird diffraction of light in the sky like maybe it could be some sort of a rainbow as it has the colours but it looked so different in the sky yet so cool, you have to see:
I love updating what I've been up to with you guys! Speak next week, right on schedule today yep I'm killing it. Even though as it's the summer holidays I've been struggling to know which day it is ha (please tell me you also forget the days & it isn't just me finally losing the plot..not that I ever had the plot to start with;)

Enjoy your time off & make the most of it!


Saturday, 18 July 2015

My 17th & New Haircut

Hey people, hope you're all good!
So as you can read from the title, I'm now 17! I turned 17 on the 17th July which a surprising amount of people commented on saying it was weird like no there is just too many superstitious people around.

To start off on a random note, I just wanna say like to sarcastic people out there don't you always have a tough dilemma to make. For example this happened recently I said something then found myself saying after that it was total sarcasm if you didn't get that because I was worried they'd think I was serious. I feel like the only way to appreciate the true sarcastic people aka the best kind is to constantly be around other people who use as much sarcasm as you so you don't need to wait to see if they reply like wait are you serious or send a warning at the end wow I mean first world problems clearly.

So I'm pretty sure I mentioned saying I applied but I briefly worked for Next for their summer sales this Friday to prepare and Saturday as the main sale day. Friday I did 3 hours using a tagging gun (swear they're called kimble guns but ok) on clothes then red penning; this will all make a lot more sense to you if any of you have worked in a clothes shop before. Then today was the main sales day where apparently it wasn't as busy as previous years but it was still pretty hectic. Basically I was tidying the ladieswear, giving advice/helping customers and tidying other areas in the shop. It wasn't too bad as I had people who were so nice and funny but it was a 7 hour shift so it dragged on. All I kept saying to myself was just think of the money sophie (yes I talk to myself but shush I bet you all do). It honestly made me want to continue to work hard so I don't have to work in a clothes shop for the rest of my life so if any of you want inspiration just think of where you'd end up if you don't put the effort in.

This Friday was pretty good as it was my birthday one of my friends brought (yep didn't make) but decorated my birthday cake so we had like a mini party in the sixthform block. We all made such a mess when we left but who cares, I had a whole bag of popcorn I mean talk about living life on the edge.. Anyway, I had work later so just had a family meal at wagamamas which was so nice I had noodles with chicken, shrimp and vegetables mmm. So next Monday I'm going ice skating with my friends in Doncaster (because Bradford's ice rink is shit) so it's worth the distance so I'm excited for that. I'll take pictures so you'll see what it's like next week in case any of you wanna come but I've also been before so I know it's good! (It has a hill..ok maybe that doesn't make it sound good but you're just gonna have to trust me it's good ok;)

Thursday I had my hair cut much shorter and if you're used to long hair like me it's a pretty big thing. I also had it tinted with blonde bits throughout so when I semi-permanent dye my hair Sunday it will show up better. I chose the colours candyfloss pink and bubblegum blue so I'm excited about that and only semi-permanent because of sixthform and I'm already wary because on the last day my friend got kicked out for having what my other friend described as slush puppie hair (when you have cherry and blue raspberry mixed) it did look pretty awesome though! Having my birthday as the last day was pretty good. As I always finish Thursdays early as I have frees I went to town to buy hair dye and saw a guy in a horse mask playing the piano which I thought summed up people in Leeds city quite what people will do to earn money and of course I have picture based evidence below:
Excuse the shitty quality as it was taken on my phone (surprisingly I don't take my camera everywhere) but I mean way to make a statement. I love the fact he (or she you can't really tell) has a horse mask on yet they still were like nope wait a second something is wrong here..I need to put on a suit; much better now I look presentable.

Also I want to show you before and after shots of my hair because before it was cut was the longest my hair had ever been and now it's gone..sad times. Excuse the selfies but I mean it's better than mirror selfies right?!

I mean just look at the difference how but I do actually love it & my hair feels so much healthier. See I told you that was my go to pose I always make and yes that was a screenshot from my story (I'm such a stereotypical white girl I'm sorry & yes I am even more because whenever I have a costa I always take a pic oops)

Right as I was at work today this has gone up much later but it's still a Saturday so none of you can complain at me hahah (isn't it funny how you may never hear my real laugh you'll always just see it) Anyway enjoy the beginning to your summer holidays, I have 7 weeks off so I'm super happy. Also omg you know the spinoff to the Vampire Diaries called the Originals well season 2 is now on Netlifx which you all need to watch! So enjoy your free time off, talk to you in a week!

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Concerts & Advice

Hey guys!
I have returned, dun dun dunn (now starts the most anticlimactic beginning to the blog ever..)

This week has been pretty good considering I've only been in school Monday and Tuesday. Forgot to say but Friday I'm off to a Jessie J concert in Scarborough with one of my best friends so hence why I'm not in school, just feel so ill you know;) I'm super excited as I haven't been to a concert since April which feels like ages ago if you're a concert goer like me.

So Thursday we had a "study day" as our sixthform liked to call it while year 11s had their taster day where they suggested to start planning our personal statements. Surprisingly I've decided to listen to school and attempt to start my personal statement. Although for me it's a lot easier having an older brother who has previously gone through the same experience so I can look at his to help me and just generally get advice from him. For anyone in the same position as me who's finding it hard I just wanna say a few things (and no I don't claim to be an expert but I feel like you don't have to be to give decent advice).

Top tips for dealing with the future-
  • Right now we're potentially having to decide and plan out what we want to do for our future which can be a pretty scary thing. A lot of people deal with it in different ways but I feel like the best way to deal with it is a combination of things for example like not constantly thinking/worrying about it but leaving a reasonable amount of time to think things through properly.
  • Always keep your options wide open and don't restrict yourself to one pathway in life as if that doesn't work out you're gonna be screwed so always have a backup plan.
  • Last and most importantly; always do what you personally want and feels right for you! Even if it means going out of your comfort zone, as long as you aren't being peer pressured into anything then I say just go for it, the best things in life don't happen by chance (unless you're on about the lottery but that's like impossible to win so yeah moving on)
So I was out last weekend taking pictures for photography as we got set a different challenge to do, I got moving landscapes which was harder than I thought as whenever you want a certain weather condition it just never happens. While I was there I went to the Monet gardens and the Alhambra gardens and I took a few pictures of course, so here ya go:

As you can probably tell, I've become so obsessed with using small depth of field on anything just because personally I think it's such a statement in a picture focusing on one subject in the foreground then the background is blurry which adds a cool effect. I went to Jessie J's concert in Scarborough open air theatre yesterday and wow she killed it especially after just being in hospital after 2 operations she was amazing. If you get a chance to see her I would highly recommend it she has a stunning voice and definitely knows how to get the audience on their feet! So here's a few pictures from yesterday:

She always wears a light top with the name of the place she's performing at which I love and then later on in the night she literally threw it off. Excuse the picture to the right as I know it's very dim lighting but I did have the flash on just the stage lighting was a bit crap at that moment. She was pretending to be a shark because she said at the start of masterpiece (if you haven't heard her single, go listen now) it sounds like the beginning of a shark chase which I found so funny. Jessie is honestly so down to earth, awkward (like me) and funny I love her.

It's also a later post (still Saturday though so give me some credit) as early in the morning today I went to York with my mum, auntie & uncle, other auntie & uncle & my little cousins for a lunch meal out and then to shop beforehand. I got the cutest little turtle as you can see below and a sparkly duck egg blue nail polish for myself so I'm pretty happy. Also here is a picture of this (I think monumental building) in York with the pretty sky because why not.  (ps sorry about the awkward space I don't get why it's there either)

It's a handmade turtle that I bought from a cute little shop in York, I'm obsessed with cute little animals.

Sorry about the messy layout of images but I'll get a hang of it soon enough, but for any of you wondering I always edit all my photos on Photoshop elements which is good enough like I see no need to upgrade at all especially as it's ridiculously expensive. So we will speak again next week the day after my birthday and when I'll officially be off school for 6 weeks hell yeah. Hang in there guys, not long now!

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Heat in UK?!

Hola everyone!
(me trying to be cultural by using like the only Spanish word I know even though I got an A in gcse although that was in year 9 and I struggle to remember what I had to eat last night, never mind remembering a language so valid excuse right;)..also just stating a fact not showing off about my grades, don't want you to get the wrong impression of me.

As you can tell from the title, it's come as a bit of a shock to everyone that their was a major heatwave starting on Monday and then suddenly Wednesday ended up being the hottest July day ever for UK on record which is crazy! Temperatures were increasing to as high as 36°C which is unbelievable for up north, I felt like I was melting it was so humid all the time. But don't get me wrong I loved it, I attempted to sunbathe but what I've always had to accept but never wanted to is the fact that I don't tan I just burn:( So having friends with nice tans is really difficult for know it's a hard knock life for mee and everything I say turns into a songg.. I'm not even sorry to just throw some Annie at you;)

To start off with good news (for me anyway) I have a 3 day week next week as next Thursday year 13s aka me have a "study day" to do our personal statement so basically a day off because year 12s have their taster day. Wednesday is a slightly different matter as younger years have a pshcee day and as responsible mature sixthformers *starts to roll eyes* we are assigned to different forms to help out, apparently it's compulsory but fuck that. Me and my friends have come up with a good plan..well I mean it doesn't take much brain-power to think of it but we're just going to say we are going to a uni open day so can't come, good plan right?!

As you may have worked out by previous posts including several pictures of flowers, I have developed an obsession with flower & nature photography. So I thought why not show you some pictures taken on my camera of the flowers in my garden so enjoy:

These are one of my favourite pink flowers above (just don't ask me the name) partly because they are shaped like hearts and my favorite colour is pink. My second colour is blue so according to the stereotype I must be half girl and half boy as I like both pink and blue haha wow the fact I came to that conclusion from flowers must make me sound super weird..but weird is good right?!

< These are foxgloves (totally didn't have to google the name..) which I find such beautiful flowers. As I was clicking away a bee landed on the flower so that's a bonus too.

Also I need another Netflix series to start watching, I can't decide on one yet so in the meanwhile I've decided to finish watching season 7 of big bang theory which is so good! So if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to comment below (I don't bite). Another sixthform had an art exhibition to show off student's art and photography work we have done over the year and my picture was on the front of the poster advertisement for it (I know it's not much but I still find it surreal that they chose mine to use).

So hope you're all still hanging on there in the last few weeks of school before we all officially break up for summer; talk more next week!
(Side note- you all better be proud of me for posting on time;)
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