So as you can read from the title, I'm now 17! I turned 17 on the 17th July which a surprising amount of people commented on saying it was weird like no there is just too many superstitious people around.
To start off on a random note, I just wanna say like to sarcastic people out there don't you always have a tough dilemma to make. For example this happened recently I said something then found myself saying after that it was total sarcasm if you didn't get that because I was worried they'd think I was serious. I feel like the only way to appreciate the true sarcastic people aka the best kind is to constantly be around other people who use as much sarcasm as you so you don't need to wait to see if they reply like wait are you serious or send a warning at the end wow I mean first world problems clearly.
So I'm pretty sure I mentioned saying I applied but I briefly worked for Next for their summer sales this Friday to prepare and Saturday as the main sale day. Friday I did 3 hours using a tagging gun (swear they're called kimble guns but ok) on clothes then red penning; this will all make a lot more sense to you if any of you have worked in a clothes shop before. Then today was the main sales day where apparently it wasn't as busy as previous years but it was still pretty hectic. Basically I was tidying the ladieswear, giving advice/helping customers and tidying other areas in the shop. It wasn't too bad as I had people who were so nice and funny but it was a 7 hour shift so it dragged on. All I kept saying to myself was just think of the money sophie (yes I talk to myself but shush I bet you all do). It honestly made me want to continue to work hard so I don't have to work in a clothes shop for the rest of my life so if any of you want inspiration just think of where you'd end up if you don't put the effort in.
This Friday was pretty good as it was my birthday one of my friends brought (yep didn't make) but decorated my birthday cake so we had like a mini party in the sixthform block. We all made such a mess when we left but who cares, I had a whole bag of popcorn I mean talk about living life on the edge.. Anyway, I had work later so just had a family meal at wagamamas which was so nice I had noodles with chicken, shrimp and vegetables mmm. So next Monday I'm going ice skating with my friends in Doncaster (because Bradford's ice rink is shit) so it's worth the distance so I'm excited for that. I'll take pictures so you'll see what it's like next week in case any of you wanna come but I've also been before so I know it's good! (It has a hill..ok maybe that doesn't make it sound good but you're just gonna have to trust me it's good ok;)
Thursday I had my hair cut much shorter and if you're used to long hair like me it's a pretty big thing. I also had it tinted with blonde bits throughout so when I semi-permanent dye my hair Sunday it will show up better. I chose the colours candyfloss pink and bubblegum blue so I'm excited about that and only semi-permanent because of sixthform and I'm already wary because on the last day my friend got kicked out for having what my other friend described as slush puppie hair (when you have cherry and blue raspberry mixed) it did look pretty awesome though! Having my birthday as the last day was pretty good. As I always finish Thursdays early as I have frees I went to town to buy hair dye and saw a guy in a horse mask playing the piano which I thought summed up people in Leeds city quite what people will do to earn money and of course I have picture based evidence below:
Excuse the shitty quality as it was taken on my phone (surprisingly I don't take my camera everywhere) but I mean way to make a statement. I love the fact he (or she you can't really tell) has a horse mask on yet they still were like nope wait a second something is wrong here..I need to put on a suit; much better now I look presentable.
Also I want to show you before and after shots of my hair because before it was cut was the longest my hair had ever been and now it's gone..sad times. Excuse the selfies but I mean it's better than mirror selfies right?!

I mean just look at the difference how but I do actually love it & my hair feels so much healthier. See I told you that was my go to pose I always make and yes that was a screenshot from my story (I'm such a stereotypical white girl I'm sorry & yes I am even more because whenever I have a costa I always take a pic oops)
Right as I was at work today this has gone up much later but it's still a Saturday so none of you can complain at me hahah (isn't it funny how you may never hear my real laugh you'll always just see it) Anyway enjoy the beginning to your summer holidays, I have 7 weeks off so I'm super happy. Also omg you know the spinoff to the Vampire Diaries called the Originals well season 2 is now on Netlifx which you all need to watch! So enjoy your free time off, talk to you in a week!
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