Hey guys!
This is gonna be a short one as I'm not feeling good (girls you'll understand why..also sorry probably tmi)
So I finally know which uni's I want to put down for my 5 choices (in order
of preference): York, Sheffield, Chester, Lancaster and Leeds (Leeds is
my backup because I don't really wanna go there). I know it's a good uni
but for me it's just too close since I live there. Later today I'm going
to fill in my application because lord/e knows I haven't done it yet
(I think I listen to Tyler Oakley too much oops..if you're really confused then go listen to his psychobabble podcast on iTunes, always slipping in that promo for my fave). So tomorrow I can get
my psychology predicted grade changed to a B and get my teacher to check
my application and send it off. This is exciting yet also extremely scary at the same
time. Good luck to those sending yours off too and if you've already
done it then damn why you so organised?! I'm a real bad procrastinator
so that sorta got in the way like I've had my personal statement done
but nothing done for UCAS online yet. I feel like once it's sent off a
huge weight will be lifted off my shoulders!
So I had my 3 hours induction at Next and it went alright. We got payed
for it so that was the only thing motivating me to get up yesterday at
7:30 to get the bus to Harrogate. As usually that's the day I look
forward to my lie in's..even Next offered me a shift to work today
but nothing was getting between me and my lie in's on the Sunday
instead of yesterday. Nah I'm joking (sort of) but also I hadn't done any work yet so I just
told them I had lots of a level work to do but hopefully they'll ring up
next time when I can do extra shifts because I definitely need the extra
money! So we had to learn how to make staff announcements on the phone
and she was like so who wants to go first, I ended up volunteering to
go first..which is not like me at all. Mostly I did it to get it out of
the way and not be constantly dreading doing it and yes it
was weird having to sound so professional on the phone to other staff
but I did it, that was a proud moment for me haha.
After school on Friday I went to the Christmas market in Harrogate with
my friends to see what it was like. We had a good time and ended up
standing opposite from this really cute guy who was at the stall for
ages..typical teenage thing to do haha oops, my friend ended up
apologising for our "behaviour";) Anyway enough about cute guys, I could
talk about them all day but the market was cute too, I took a picture but
it just doesn't do it justice so go see for yourself if you live nearby! But if you don't then I'm sure your local Christmas market will be
just as good; if not better as Harrogate is a small town. I will be off
to the Leeds German market but not just yet. Anyway before I go off
topic, we came across this guy who makes the most amazing fuffles which
is a combination of fudge and truffles making the coolest name ever. So
after work yesterday I got Christmas presents for family and friends as they keep for ages. So for the first year ever
I'm feeling super prepared for Christmas! One of the flavours
is called kerfuffle I mean why not, if I had the chance to name things I would definitely choose names like that. (Side note but it's really annoying me as autocorrect keeps trying to correct my spelling to the American English version like yes there isn't anything wrong spelling it like that if you're American but I aint..clearly so that was rude aha)
So as long as everything goes to plan then my UCAS application will be sent off and I'll have joined everyone else in the horrible torment of waiting to receive offers. I know people who have already got unconditional offers and man am I jealous, especially for your first or second choice that would be amazing! Enjoy next week and remember only about 3/4 weeks until Christmas holidays, I couldn't be more excited! So now I'm going to curl up in a ball and watch tv..erm I mean do work obviously;)
(omg just remembered I still haven't used the rest of my sparklers to actually write my name properly this time, hopefully I'll have done that by next week woo)
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