So Christmas Day finally came and it was lovely! The food was amazing, my all time favourites are pigs in blankets! Change of tone but I read a post recently which talked about how some people didn't really feel like it was Christmas and then in response someone said that's because you're getting older and I just thought it was so true! Don't get me wrong I'm still obsessed with Christmas and the whole Christmas period but it just feels different when you get older, does anyone else agree?
This year I got lots of little presents instead of one big one as last year I got a DSLR camera which was my main present. So this time, I got chocolates, lush stuff, money, Red's Untold Tale book which is based on Red from Once Upon A Time (which I frequently mention), pearl earrings and New Girl season 4 (another tv series I recommend). I also got the We Love Disney album with singers like Jessie J & Ariana Grande who sing covers of Disney songs and then of course I had to get the original Now That's What I Call Disney album. So I'm really happy with what I got and I hope you all love the presents you got too!
So from today my contract from Next has ended..I've officially finished work! This makes me so happy because I've been working the whole of this week and every weekend from November so I am so glad to finally have a break. Now the realisation kicks in that it means I have to do my school work..damn it (take me back to work pls;) I am so excited to see my payroll, I checked a few days ago and my summary was £175 which makes me incredibly happy! It means I will be debt free as my mum had to pay for both concerts. First Christmas thing I have to show you is a wreath we have hung up but it's lit up with pink lights making it look really pretty so I wanted to show you guys: (could've cropped the photo but I just closed down Photoshop and I'm in a really lazy mood so I can't be bothered, not even sorry about it ha..
Guess what..
I had to get up at 5 on Boxing Day because I started work at 6 in the morning, it was a painful experience waking up that early! Me and early mornings are never put in the same sentence, I just don't get people who want to shop that early and especially in the sale because to me it's so stressful and hectic it would put me off. Why do those people do it, they are definitely the worst types of people so if you're one you can quietly leave now;)
Random thought but I commute to school every day from Leeds to Harrogate and I do the same for work as I also work in Harrogate (yes I have tried to get a job in Leeds..I failed). Some people don't like getting on a bus on their own as they always want a friend with them. Personally I love it, I just find it relaxing as it means I get to listen to my music and catch up on my podcasts. Cut to segway of promoting Not Too Deep podcast by Grace Helbig and Psychobabble by Tyler Oakley. I'm not just saying it but these podcasts are the best ones you can get, they're both youtubers who just chat about random stuff and I just love it! But anyway, back to the main point..does anyone else not mind/like travelling by themselves..(it can't just be me?!)
I'm excited for tomorrow though as I am meeting up with a friend I haven't seen since she left sixthform and another friend who I go to sixthform with. It will be a good break from work and then we can exchange Christmas presents as well, I obviously love receiving Christmas presents but I love giving them just as much as it is the best thing seeing someone else's reaction..especially if they love what you got! I pride myself in being able to get really good presents for all my friends and family so if you want a good present then just become my friend and wait until next Christmas (nah of course I'm joking..who do you take me for? As if I'd have the money to do that)

Ooh how could I forget..I have to show you my Christmas tree in my room which of course is pink. I hung some of the decorations I got from York I showed you last week on it and laid out silver and red apples which reminds me of OUAT (sorry one day I'll stop talking about the program..just not today;)
I made a chocolate yule log again this year as it is becoming a tradition now to make one as I don't like christmas cake and of course I can't go without one so this happened. Look at the picture below: tadahhh *jazz hands*
This year I decided to have Christmas nails so I thought I found an easy snowflake pattern to do but after the first nail I realised this clearly wasn't working. But I had to carry on as I didn't have time to change it up, I mean they looked alright they just weren't the best looking Christmas nails you'd seen. So after Christmas Day, I went in search of an easier pattern (ooh don't I sound adventurous) and found a candy cane nail one. Annoyingly I didn't have the colour green as it was a red base covered with green & white stripes so instead I just went for white stripes and they looked way better.

Here is a picture of the comparison, I would honestly laugh if any of you preferred the snowflake nails (I just know you won't):
Enjoy the last week of Christmas holidays!! (quietly sobs with how fast the week has gone)