Hope you're all okay, so this week was pretty good well no that's a lie it was alright but it was Friday that was really good! As for the second time in my life I went to London but this time with my school for a photography/art trip. I haven't been for over 5 years so was exciting to go again, don't think it's changed that much although I can't exactly remember much from the last time I went. It took us ages to get permission from our head teacher to even go though as originally we were planning to stay over which would've been cool but we were only just allowed to go for a day so that wouldn't have been happening anytime soon. We arranged to go to the Tate Modern and the National Portrait gallery however for us photographers that didn't really relate to what we were doing as it was just paintings. So we with some other people went to the National Gallery instead but ended up resting for a bit because we'd already done so much walking and then watching this guy outside of Trafalgar Square take hours in his run up to limbo under a bar with nails lit on fire below. Then as soon as we had to go we missed him actually do it, we just heard the clapping as we were leaving, how typical we saw the run up to it but not the actual thing..
Here are some pictures of the cutest christmas decorations which of course I had to take a picture of as you can tell I am pretty obsessed by Christmas. It's just the best time of year isn't it?!
We went to Leicester Square where all the film premieres are held it was so cool, it was advertising mockingjay part 2 which made me sad because I wanna see that so bad but I've already tried arranging it twice with friends then plans have failed, why do I even try?! I got the nicest savoury crepe (would've gotten a sweet one if it wasn't lunch time) but first time having savoury crepes and I got mozzarella, tomato and basil leaves which was actually really nice! Even though our purpose was going to several galleries in hope of being inspired I ended up taking more pictures just walking around in London than I did in both galleries. I guess I did expect that at the start as the artwork that was there just didn't relate to my nature theme. So now I have loads of photos and no photographer to say I was inspired by as of course you can't just take pictures because you wanna you always have to get some photographer/artist that really inspired you (can't wait to do research to find one..)
So I was at work both days this weekend so I'm shattered and actually too tired to revise because I don't seem to be remembering much and I have my sixth form's mock week next week which is just perfect timing. I ended up working on the tills over on kidswear even though on my shift I was meant to be assigned to ladieswear but that just stressed me out and surprisingly the kids section is nice and calm, probably because there's only 2 tills and a smaller section so yeah..I worked there instead, see sometimes you can get what you want in life..even if it's just the little things;) Dreading next week though as I have 3 mocks with my first one Tuesday, second Wednesday and then last Friday so you can see why I'm looking forward to the end of next week.
To make up for the lack of well any pictures last week, here are some of the ones I took in London on Friday!

We bought a Christmas tree on Saturday straight after I finished work at 12:30 and I helped choose the best one of course. As I live in a Victorian house where the rooms are like 8/9 foot high this becomes amazingly useful when buying a Christmas tree as it means you can buy practically the biggest ones there. We haven't put it up yet tho but hopefully before my next post it'll be up and I can at least take a picture to show you but may not have done decorations but will at least have put it up (always one step at a time)

You know me with my random funny pictures and these are my personal favourites:
(Yes..I'm gutted I couldn't get a shot of the floating santa from the front)
Oh yeah so if you didn't notice the reason why I love them because both are just floating I mean why not! Also the silver guy on the right as I call him reminds me of the tin can man in the wizard of oz..is that just me?!
(Sorry about the awkward space just keep scrolling..)
Enjoy next week and remember that every day is a day closer to Christmas;) also there's only 2 Sunday's left until Christmas, I absolutely love facts like these as it makes it seem so much quicker until the Christmas holidays. Christmas is honestly my favourite time of the year and I just can't wait until we break up for 2 weeks, will definitely need the rest (even though I'm working on Christmas Eve and then Boxing Day at 6:30 like oh the joys of working..it should be illegal to get up at 5 which is what I'm gonna have to do ughhhh < I feel like there's still not enough 'h's to represent how much I'm dreading getting up that early)
Until next week, byeeeee!
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