Monday, 6 June 2016

3 A Level Exams To Go

Hey guys!
Hope you're all well

This week has pretty much been full on revision. Although I went out on Friday with my friends to get a wagamamas which was amazing! I got the chicken and prawn yoka soba (think it was called) it was thin noodles and wow it tasted so good.

Last Tuesday I went to meet another youtuber (you can tell I have a thing for youtubers) in Leeds. He was so lovely, if you're interested he's called Oli White and released a book called Generation Next. It's a novel rather than an autobiography so that should be good, we also got a picture. My favourite thing is whenever I go to signings I always get the youtuber to take the pictures and they always spam my phone so I end up with loads of choice. It's on my Instagram justsoph_x (if you wanna give me a follow as well that'd be nice) don't have too though

Before I talk about boring exam stuff I went shopping on Tuesday and bought the most adorable top from primark, you can't say it isn't the cutest thing:

Unless you don't like cats then wow I'm honestly offended, you can leave now...joking (sorta)

Still so in love with my new rings and yeah I don't hide my cat obsession very well as you can tell by my bright pink phone case

It's from Skinnydip and it's called a caticorn (how freaking adorable right!!)

So my next exam is child and criminal psychology so I've been focusing on that. I've done all the revision for it which is good and now I've just been doing exam papers. I've done 4 in total as that's how many I did for unit 2. Then my exam is this Wednesday so fingers (and toes) crossed!

The annoying thing is that I've had like 2 weeks to revise for this exam but I've only got 5 days to revise for clinical and issues and debates which is harder than unit 3. So I'm trying to do a bit of both but failing. I've done all my English flash cards now I just need to learn them before as my exam is the day after my last psychology one.

My friend recently ordered a free graze box as you get your first one free so of course I had to get one too. I'll show you a picture of what I got but I was so happy, I made sure I binned and clicked love on the ones that looked good on the website so I would get all the stuff I genuinely plan worked!

Ooh I'm off to see Me Before You in the cinema after my english and last exam with a few friends which I can't wait to see. Sam Claflin (lead male actor) was in the hunger games and Love Rosie so I know he's gonna be good (also very attractive am I right;) I've heard the girl is from game of thrones but I don't watch it so I wouldn't know (I know shock horror..sorry)

Guess what is less than 2 weeks away from season 4 starting!!
(This gap suspense was everything)
Orange is the new black! I'm so excited, me and my friend have been singing the theme song for ages now, it's the best. It's so true that at first you think it's too long but then you get obsessed with it.

So I made a depop account to see if I could earn some money as I have so many old clothes I don't want and I need money. It's so much more simple than eBay, right now I've only got 2 items on there but you can have a look if you want! My username is justsoph_x (same as my Instagram I know I'm so creative..)

I wish you all loads of luck for your exams and well done if you made it through all your exams alive (that's a pretty big achievement tbh) I can't wait until I'm exam free!!

I'm so sorry for not posting on Sunday but I completely forgot and I blame tennis for that as I was getting frustrated as Andy lost to Novak again ugh. I don't like Novak he is just so like a robot, he needs to go. Also I think tennis is the only sport I'm into right now but I genuinely like it and of course I'm always supporting Andy as he is British/Scottish.

Talk next Sunday, byeee

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