So you know those pictures where you wonder why you even saved them to your phone, well it took me a second to realise why I saved this. This happens a lot with pictures of my cat as she loves hiding in random weird places.
Here's Smudge in another random place, weirdly she loves just sitting and looking out the car:
Sorry if you don't like cats but I mean they're a big part of my life as a proud cat person;)
Last Thursday I went to London with my friend and I met my internet friend after 4 years (this probably sounds weird to most people but I've met some of my closest friends over twitter so it's normal for me)
We had the best day ever! We went to Regents Park and went on the peddle boats which was fun. Then we went to Camden town, which had the coolest shops on the way there.
The vans shop reminds me of some beautiful pink vans I really want but they're so expensive so I'm waiting for the sale.
Thought this was a cute sign, so this is my reminder from me to you to always remember to just take a minute to stop what you're doing and smile. It'll make you feel better I promise.
Anyway cheesiness over, the Kings Cross train station was huge but the ceiling reminded me of the trinity in Leeds. The architecture and lights are really impressive.
Fast forward to Friday night, I went to an open air cinema in Harewood House to see La La Land (again because I love it so much) The funniest thing happened, so there was a selfie competition organised by this bed company as there was a bed where the winners of the competition would lay in. I tweeted a selfie of me and my parents and right before they announced the winner I had a funny feeling then I saw my face on the screen. I was so shocked like I never win anything and definitely didn't expect to see my ugly mug on the big screen.
It was amazing though as it rained throughout and we were sheltered. It was also freezing cold but we had a comfy duvet so we were fine.