Sunday, 3 December 2017

Museum Gardens In York


What a surprise I'm actually posting on a Sunday, see sometimes I can be organised!

So since last week I've done my presentation that I was dreading and in the end it wasn't too bad. It was just because I had never done one before so I didn't know what to expect. Luckily it was quite informal but still nerve wracking for me as I'm not a confident speaker at the best of times.

It was filmed though so our lecturer and seminar tutor can watch it back when they're marking which is intimidating but I'm proud of myself for doing it as I panicked before in the morning. DONE WITH NOW HALLELUJAH.

^Last Tuesday I went to Cosmo with everyone from PhotoSoc which was nice as it was pretty beside the river. It was all buffet food so it was so nice, such a lovely way to end the term. (Yes we were doing origami because why not..well I wasn't but it makes me wanna learn how too)

Love how early York uni finishes term for Christmas, it's because our term is condensed and then we have more free time to revise which is good. I had my last lecture last Friday how exciting! Bring on Christmas now.

We've started decorating now, how festive!
Guys who live in the UK/anywhere where it may have snowed, I can't believe it actually snowed on Thursday! I met up with my friend I haven't seen in ages and it was like a winter wonderland shopping in the christmas market whilst it was snowing. Can you tell I love snow..?!
This was the aftermath in our garden on Friday:
You know I love a good sunset, look how pretty it was:
After our last lecture we went to a few house viewings and yesterday I rang up and we all payed the £60 deposits. We still need to sign the tenancy online but that won't be until tomorrow, at least we won't be homelesss phew as I recently got an email saying our house was let for next year (just what I  wanted..) Oh well maybe it's for the best as it'll be nice to live in a house next year rather than a bungalow.

Baking is known to help bake your problems away right well that's what my housemate did and she made these, this was during the house stress but look how cute the cupcake cases are:
Last but not least I went to York's museum gardens (I'm that keen I went before with my friend), it's ridiculously expensive but then again kinda worth it. It's like a christmassy light trail.

Here are some of the pictures I took on my camera then edited, enjoy my pic overload: 
Right I better go as I wanna see if I can catch the supermoon which is apparently tonight (basically a bigger moon than normal) you know me I gotta be the first to get some snaps.

Hope you all have a good christmas holiday/hang in there if you're still working or at uni/school still.


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