Sunday, 20 September 2015

Just Hanging On

Hey people!
I'm back and still not feeling 100% but I'm just hanging through it. Just at the really awkward in between stage where you slowly start to get better but then you wake up the next day & it seems worse than ever. Credit to my dad but it (he) made me realise that there are 3 stages of a cold (this is when you know I've run out of good content sorryy) 
1- when you start to get a sore throat..that basically means get ready to feel like crap overall
2- when your nose starts to run like it's trying to be the next usain bolt (my attempt of a funny joke)
3- when you start to get a really bad cough and potentially lose your voice
Thankfully I'm at the last stage now but it's the worst when you're in lesson and you start to lose your voice but it's quiet so you don't wanna cough...just the daily struggles of life you know.

So I got my hair dyed more blonde again last Tuesday and this time it's so much more visible which is good. So when I want to dye the ends of my hair pink & purple like I planned last summer (it just failed because my hair was too dark) this time it will work yess. I wouldn't talk about anything without a photo as well so:

As I haven't been too well recently, I wanted to go on a colour run with my friends but it is today and I would just make myself way more ill as it does include a lot of running (obviously) as well as getting covered in a ridiculous amount of colour. Damn..oh well it'll come around again and I'll make sure I'll do it then.

Yesterday I went to my auntie's and uncle's house in Huddersfield and we went for a long walk in the countryside which has pretty much drained all the energy out of me (doesn't help when you go out when you're already ill). I was practicing with my macro extension tubes again so I thought I'd show you some pictures I took:

I was experimenting with different focus points for the first two but personally I think the second one looks better but I'd love to know your opinion on which you prefer. After being so inconsistent with posting on a Saturday I've decided to change my posting day to a Sunday because sunday's are normally boring anyway just a homework day really. So I can be your homework distraction for a bit every sunday (your welcome;)

Now I better go before I start coughing like mad and somehow pass my illness to you guys ha (so glad that isn't possible) but who knows in the future you could pass on infections via the internet (idek I should just stop talking)..Sorry this post may bit a bit crappy but I'm pulling out the ill card as my excuse oops. However to end on a positive note which I always try to do as I'm definitely a glass half full rather than a glass half empty type of person (so I'm an optimist) hopefully I should be much better and fully recovered by next week!
Talk next Sunday!

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