Sunday, 21 February 2016

Newcastle Uni Applicant Day

Hey everyone
Hope you're all well!

So as I've been calling it I had a Miranda moment at the gym last week. I know what you're thinking me..going to the gym..what happened there. Well my mum happened and she forced me to go, so again I'll set the scene. I wanted to go on the stair machines and after waiting a while for people to get off them, finally it was my chance (little did I know it would cause extreme embarrassment) I started walking on it but I wanted to jog/run so I increased the speed on the touch screen monitor to about 70. Then I continued to run, not realising that you can adjust the speed by using the buttons on the handles; you can guess what happened next. I rapidly increased the speed to about 120 and of course my little legs couldn't cope and I fell and swung into the side. Of course my mum was there shouting are you okay are you alright!! Yes mum I'm fine just shush!! (Pretty accurate dialect between me & my mum aka the usual conversation when my mum makes a fuss over anything) Luckily, I didn't knock myself out or hurt myself really badly (I bruised myself but that isn't too bad) so I see it as an achievement really..even if I totally failed at using the machine. After that, I quickly moved on with my head down in case anyone did see..

I was able to exercise for a longer length of time than I could do before and that was just by doing my mini workout everyday. If anyone's curious this is the workout I follow:
 As you can see I obviously crossed out the running part (who wants to do one BUT I haven't even been having a rest day so that makes up for it I think)

Obviously feel free to adjust the number of times I do the exercises as often if I don't get too tired doing it (very rarely) I'll just hold the plank for longer than 30 seconds and push myself. As well as doing this I wanna exercise my arms beause I have the arm strength of a (insert an animal with weak arms idek) So I'll do another sheet like this, I'll keep you updated if you're interested.

If anyone wants to gradually get into exercise this is definitely the best way, it may feel tough at first but after a while you get less tired by it all and you can even challenge yourself. Another tip I couldn't have done without is printing off a calendar and circling the day once I've done my exercises which really motivated me to continue (especially once I'd done at least a week my calendar looked pretty full) I am nearly halfway through the second month in this time, whereas last time I don't think I made it past 2/3 weeks before I stopped, to my defence I was ill but then after that I just couldn't get back into it no matter what I tried. So using the circling off on a calendar technique has helped motivate me so much and don't worry if you forget to complete the exercises 1 day, I just manage it by doing 2 sets of exercises the next day (usually 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening to spread it out) and then you can get back on track the next day! Good luck to anyone who starts, personally it's better than the gym because it doesn't take as long to do/less effort and I know I just wouldn't go to the gym everyday (also it's free exercising at home..amazing right?!)

On Wednesday I visited Newcastle for my university applicant day. I honestly loved it, was definitely my favourite uni I've been too so far (except from Sheffield) So I have a feeling (oooh oooh) (black eyed peas pls say you sang that too) that it's gonna be choosing between whether to put Newcastle or Sheffield as my firm choice. For once I didn't take any pictures I'm sorry but tbf if you applied I'm sure you're going to an applicant day anyway! But I did get some pictures of the prettiest sunset, I saw some girls taking a picture and in my head I was like ugh what are they doing (pretty much my everyday thoughts about everyone oops) but then I saw the sunset and forgave them (yep I forgave them in my head, I'm such a cool kid..)

It's nearly the end of half term now..well it practically is and I'm so sad. Although Monday's are one of my favourite days as I only have a lesson last so all I need to do is get my mum to ring up and say I'm ill and get a lie in. I also do work (I don't just skive just so you know) Sometimes I do more work at home because there are less distractions. Often I do photography so it's more convenient to do it at home and I wanna finish my coursework tomorrow so I can concentrate only on my exam. Then at least start some exam stuff so it looks like I've actually done some work over the holidays, all I've done so far is the moodboard and they obviously aren't even my pictures they're just from Google (that is the idea but obviously we were asked to do more over half term)

So the return of my unicorn onesie happened about a month ago I think (I lose track of time easily) and I just thought this was a pretty cool picture which you all must see.

Hope you all had a good half term and managed to relax! (Even with I'm sure shitty teachers who gave you loads of work..I feel for you because I'm in the same position)
Talk again next week!

Ps I just got a reminder (on my countdown..I'm very keen) that sixthform finishes in less than 3 months so if you're in the same position as me then use that to motivate you, not long left we can stick it out!


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