Sunday, 28 February 2016

Visiting 2 Universities

Hey guys!
Hope you're all loving life as you should be.

So I only really had a 3 day week this week because on Monday I only went in for last lesson then oh yeah my teacher decides not to show up?! I was so annoyed, normally she emails us but she didn't this time and I came from Leeds all the way to Harrogate so I just went straight back home..such a wasted journey.

Then on Wednesday I had a York applicant day. This meant a lie in which, not going to lie, was one of the things I was most excited about. I knew York was a lovely place as I go regularly go with my mum for days out and I went to the university open day previously. There is a beautiful lake in the centre of the campus which I love and they have a college system meaning each student is assigned to a different college. If you have received an offer from York then have a cheeky look back at the pictures in one of my previous posts (honestly I don't know why it's cheeky..what has English evolved into I don't know) We had an introductory lecture at the beginning and then we were separated from our parents for a lecture and a seminar. The first one was about biology so involved lots of graphs and I was pretty tired so I did nearly fall asleep in that: I quickly shot up when everybody started clapping. The talk after about the dialects of English was more interesting, like do you pronounce 'poor' and 'pour' the same?! (Cut to everyone sounding out both words to the point they've forgotten how they actually say it..same) I did meet 2 lovely girls which restored my faith in me making friendships easily. The accommodation was nice but I think you just have to accept accommodation is always gonna be pricy.

(Fast forward to this today) I'm just on the way back home from Sheffield uni's applicant day which was good. I already went to the open day where I looked around accommodation so I didn't need to do that again. This time I visited both libraries where (unfortunately) I'll be spending most of my time. The first one was much older and was nice but I way preferred the newer one as there was secluded really comfy chair areas to work around which I prefer than open desks (yep I'm an introvert okay) Before all that we had an introductory lecture by the head of English and the admissions tutor (props to him he was funny but only funny on a scale of exhaling much heavier than normal, he needs to up his game to get me to physically laugh) Next we had a seminar from 2 of the linguistic professors who were both American and I recognised the woman because I asked her about accepting people with lower than the asked for entry grades (I did get an offer I wasn't just trying to push my luck) They said as long as I put them as my first choice then they still consider applicants like me (required entry grades are AAB and my predicted grades are ABB)

After visiting 4/5 uni's in total, I reckon I'm gonna put Sheffield as my firm and Newcastle as my insurance choice (even though it's just my predicted grades)

^(Thanks past Sophie now into present day Sophie..don't ask me what weird TV presenter I've turned into because even I don't know the answer)

I read this comment a student said (from one of the handouts we were given) about how they used to be shy and now they are much more of a confident speaker now.. I really hope this happens to me! I know uni isn't technically for shy kids but hopefully I won't be one by the time I am finished YAY (here's hoping anyway) I'm not saying it exclusively isn't for less confident people like me, I'm just saying the majority of people do tend to be way more confident. It's like when I'm anxious sometimes, I get so anxious my anxiety is anxious (it really isn't good but I am working on it)

Also since I got my eyeliner gel pen from benefit I have been finding it so much easier to do my eyeliner! So if you're struggling and looking for a good one then I'd highly recommend that one, it goes on so smoothly I love it. Compared to my previous body shop one which just stuck and was so impossible to put on, especially for someone who struggles with doing makeup normally, I only really wear makeup when I go out for special occasions (I'm too lazy to wear it 24/7) I get way too annoyed with how long it takes to take all my makeup off even when I have minimal makeup on so you can imagine how I'd be if I went all out. Props to those people who wear makeup everyday, I can almost sense your daily struggle..but damn you look good;)

It isn't one of my blog posts if there isnt some pictures I show you, so without further ado (I feel like a magician..they say thar right?!) here are some of the pictures I took for my exam work under the theme of dramatic images:

I especially love this one because I'm obsessed with anything abstract and it makes me laugh just how easy it was to achieve this effect (there really is no techinal way to say this) you just have to shake the camera infront of the tv to draw the colours out.

My next image is another of my personal favourites because:
1- it involves my cat
2- it's trippy
3- it's just cool alright
4- I don't know my logic behind making a list
5- stop reading this and look below oh my god..

 Even if you aren't a cat person you still must admit she is so adorable, also a weird thing I've realised is that cat owners obviously prefer cats but still love dogs whereas all dog owners tend to be completely hate cats like dog ownes need to take a chill pill (I need to go back to 2012 with that reference I'm sorry..)

Omg so after I post this, I'm going to watch 2 episodes of new girl season 4 and begin season 5 and I can't wait because (SPOILER ALERT) Cici admitted she loves Schmidt (I mean did she ever stop) and turned down a hook up because of it and now I'm hoping Schmidt breaks up with Fawn so I need to go because I'm too excited to stay writing.
Have a good week!
Talk really soon


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