Saturday, 15 August 2015

A Level Results

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well:)

So as you can see by the title that the dreaded day arrived last Thursday where for my school in particular we could pick up our results from between 9:30-10:30. I decided to just bite the bullet and arrive as closest to the starting time as possible, as it turned out I was so early that none of my friends were there maybe it is better to be later. I was super nervous so that when I was asked to find my name to sign that I'd collected my results one of my teachers had to embarrassingly show me where my name was but I mean what do you expect and even when I found it I was shaking so much my handwriting looked like a 5 year's old (no offense to them that is just the truth #sorrynotsorry..again yet another phrase I started to use ironically and then it ended up being part of my everyday grammar which is great). Bit of a hint but ever since I found out about my grades I've been singing ABC, 123, that's how easy love can be or ABC it's as easy as 123, as simple as do re mi (but so not true sorry Jackson 5).

So to get to the main point, I got an A in Art and Design-Photo as my results sheet says (but we just call it Photography as that's what it is) a B in English Language and a C in Psychology. So of course I was super happy but I didn't wanna brag or act too happy as some of my friends didn't get the results they'd hoped for but in my head I was jumping up and down of course. When I got back home to tell my parents the news, first of all it was the funniest thing telling my mum as you should've seen the look on her face as she rushed from outside to hear what I got (basically just covered with anxiety if that's a possible look). I then found out with some help from my brother that I was only 2 UMS marks off a B in psychology which did make me feel better as I was hoping for a B as I did work so hard for both exams. Just in case you didn't know 2 UMS marks is the equivalent to 1 real mark in an exam..why me why now?! (bringing it back to an old Saturday's tune). As these were the grades I got in my AS it means next year for my A2 I have time to bring up my grade to a B as long as I continue to work my butt of like I did last year. 

So yes I may be one of the lucky ones that did well in my results and in no way am I bragging about it as I make sure I'm as modest as I can be. As bragging about things I did well in is just not the type of person I am. However I wanted to give you guys that hoped to do better and didn't get the results you wanted some advice:
  • Don't beat yourself up about the grades you got as in the end what is that actually going to achieve?! Yep nothing is's just one of those unfortunate things where either you thought the exam went well yet you didn't get the grade you expected or you realise actually I could/should've put more work into my subjects
  • Evaluate (I know it's the worst time to use exam jargon here but just stick with me) what went wrong, was it you not putting in enough effort or just getting an unlucky really hard exam? 
  • Look at all the options you have for example if the exam was one of the things that brought down your grade you can always resit to bring up your overall grade! 
  • Lastly if you realise that actually you aren't cut out for a-levels which isn't a bad thing at all it just means you're better suited in another area of focus which is less strenuous and full on as going from gcse to a-levels is one of the toughest jumps right up there just before the move from a-levels to Uni. How about college or starting an apprenticeship..just anything that works better for you and don't look back just go for it! (Oh & good luck if you do that change)
So to summarise, please try not to panic as that is the worst thing to do! Although if you did well then congrats!! You should go out and celebrate which I totally did..watching Netflix and eating mini colin the caterpillars is the same thing right?! No but I'm sure some of you know it's awkward when you're one of the only ones who is happy about your results out of your friends so yeah celebrating at home is the best thing for people like us right now.

Totally unrelated side note but I'm getting new glasses next Friday once the new prescription is in, which takes a week as I'm shortsighted, have the slightest of squints and get double vision sometimes so I have a strong I'm practically blind without my glasses (maybe a bit too far but you know what I mean). It did take me quite a while to find some glasses to choose between though as I'm a bit picky but I went to Specsavers if any of you are curious or need some new glasses then go there as they always do the best deals!
Anyway talk more next week!

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