Sunday, 2 August 2015

Advice On Nights Out

Hey everyone!
Ok so this title is gonna make me sound like such a party whore or something which I mean I wish I was (jks I really don't films in bed sounds good to me). I just wanted to talk to you about what happened when I was at a party last Tuesday (yes see I do have a social life).

My friends and I were just having fun at this party which includes taking lots of selfies, yes some drinking and lots of dancing/laughing (yes they go together like you should have seen some of the guys trying to slut drop I mean I'm scarred for life). Anyway to get to the main point, one of our friends couldn't find her bag and then another of our friends couldn't find hers either until the point that we were informed of 6 missing bags. Personally I only knew 3 people that had lost theirs but we searched the whole place and came back empty handed. I was really lucky as I checked earlier on in the night and found my bag hidden under several coats so I kept it there but it was on the same pile as my friends who had theirs stolen. Yes you might be thinking should we really have just left all our bags there but in response to your imaginary questioning nobody is allowed in without a wristband as there are bouncers and nobody saw any suspicious people if they somehow managed to get in. So the thing that was worst about the stealing was that it was most likely someone we knew as the event was organised by sixthformers for upper & lower sixthformers. After talking to upper sixth they said how shocking it was as they've been going for ages and nothing like this has ever happened before.

Before I rant on too much, here's some hopefully useful tips when on nights out:
  1.  Decide straight away where you're gonna keep your bag, depending on your preferences.. yes if you have a small bag with straps you could dance with that; it just isn't ideal so check for lockers for you and your friends
  2. Unfortunately as I learned you can't trust anybody so keep your bag to yourself or with friends you can 100% trust
  3. In the unfortunate case it does get stolen, inform someone straight away for example we got them to check their CCTV to see if they could find out who it was (but ofc they forgot the password) and then later the police was rang as valuable items were in my friends bags which sucks
Unfortunately none of the bags have been found because the idiot who took it will have run off but I got my friend to cancel her card so hopefully the little fucker wont be able to spend any of it (I tried to refrain my language but I mean why..the person who did it has 100% bad intentions and morals there's no excuse for it). Not in our time where yes people are still poor but nothing compared to back then when stealing was a necessity for keeping someone alive (shout-out to Les Misérables).

Moving on from that crap that happened, back to my usual obsession of nature photography. I was inside pretty much all day watching Netflix because lazy pyjama days watching Netflix is the best thing. Going off topic again but just started watching Orange Is The New Black as it was recommended to me via a friend and at first I was unsure as it's a bit different to what I normally watch as it's an 18 (shush I'm usually good with ratings but I thought meh why not give it a go). It's so good, the best thing about it is the characters & the erm chemistry I'll call it between the characters. Some of the people are so sassy I love it, just like me omg yasss (yeahh I'll stop now).

I feel like it's hard to judge photography sometimes as different people like different stuff and sometimes I love to focus on things that aren't normally of interest to add a different perspective to the picture; just another random thought. While I was out there, so was my cat Smudge and I caught her trying to hide from me, she is such a cute ninja (not quite there yet but in her head I imagine she's like mwuahah no one can see me it's just so adorable she does it all the time with her tail blatantly on show).

I was under a table to take the the first picture as no time to move as the second after this she ran away..I mean dedication right and yeah I totally planned that bee flying out...pretty happy with it though ha

Just got back from Go Ape with family as we thought we may as well go out for a pub meal while we were there. We went to the Go Ape in Rivington (thanks to my research I picked the best out of 3 options haha) Go Ape is like an outdoor adventure style place if you don't know but as soon as I saw that the zip-wire goes partially across a huge reservoir, that kinda sold it for me as apart from that they weren't all that different. I felt so anxious at the start (you know how I can be ha) as it feels as if you have to remember lots as basically you're in control of your own safety (yes there's instructors watching in case) but essentially yeah we were on our own which was scary at first but it was surprisingly quick to get used to attaching/detaching yourself from the ropes. The second time I went on the tarzan swing into the net I screamed so much as there was a surprising drop then I full on face planted the middle of the net bouncing right back. By the sound of laughter/look on my mum and brother's face it was hilarious..oh god that would have made an awful yet funny GIF.

Moving on so this blog isn't ridiculously long, I took several pictures of the beautiful red sunset over Calderdale (totally looked at the pub's handout to find out where the hell I was..) and then used Photoshop (a really old if I'd have enough money for the most recent version) to create a panorama from it, thought you might wanna see:

Anyway as you can tell it's super late (well normal time for me as recently my sleeping pattern has been fucked up to put it bluntly) yes it's Sunday now as by the time I was writing this it was nearly midnight anyway so I thought I may as well post it on a better more convenient time today. Hope you're having a good summer, even if you're a Brit like me where for us our summer just seizes to exist really..but for everyone else especially for America I'm sure they'll be relaxing in the sun; just a bit jealous like can you send us some sun over;)
Yeah so byee talk more next week!


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