Saturday, 29 August 2015

Gender Roles

Hey people! Hope you've all been good (as in been well..not in the way that makes me sound like a creepy confused santa asking if children have been good this year ha you probably didn't come to that conclusion but ah well moving on..)

So I recently watched a video on gender roles (by ricky dillon go check him out on YouTube) and I found it really interesting to hear about his personal experiences. So it made me wanna talk about it today with you guys (and girls). So the definition of gender roles are roles that are made by society that only girls can do and only guys can put it into simple terms anyway. However if you think about it logically, in this day and age do we really need more rules to follow by society, haven't we already got enough?! Fortunately, this wall does seem to be breaking down as girls do things guys are only meant to do like go paintballing for example and guys are doing things that girls are meant to do like paint there nails and I'm loving it. As if we get enough people ignoring these old-fashioned and outdated rules, the barrier between girls and guys roles will slowly start to break down until everyone is just free to do whatever they want.

However as with any rules set by society, there are always going to be people still following these rules and making fun of people who disregard these rules. This is something which I find utterly disgusting, the fact that a guy would be made fun of if he likes what is considered feminine TV shows or likes what is considered by society a more girly sport like gymnastics. I say why does it really matter, if you're one of those people who takes the piss out of people like that then just ask yourself what are you getting out of this? Maybe a couple of laughs in class but is it really that worth it, in a few years high school will be over and you'll be the one not probably matured and maybe struggling for a job while he/she's happy and doing well in whatever sport/activity you made fun of for them doing. Just let people do what they love! Be more accepting and notice that rules can be changed or even broken down, which in this case these gender roles need to be crushed because who are we to disagree, form your own opinion before you speak. And if before you read this you didn't understand gender roles hopefully you will a bit more now and get that you need to grow up and get with the trends that we don't need roles to follow, we should be free to just be our own person.

Side not from my ranting which I seem to be doing a lot lately.. I need like a theme tune or something (read this with whatever tune you imagine it to have) time for more ranting sessions with sophie. I went shopping to spend my birthday vouchers in topshop and miss selfridge although I found nothing there which meant I could use my £30 vouchers all in topshop. They recently have just put out there new autumn range which I absolutely love! Ever since I spotted a youtuber I like (shoutout to ingrid nilsen) wearing dungarees but with jeans at the bottom rather than shorts I fell in love. However she was American so I got into the mood of oh they'll never have them in the UK, bet it will just be an American thing but no I saw them almost straight away in topshop I was so happy. They had my size (size 6) so I was even more happy as they always have fewer of the smaller sizes, then I also got black dungarees with the normal shorts and I persuaded my mum to get flowery dungarees so then we wouldn't be match but it would still make my mum happy. 

Right just a quick note I might post next Saturday if I can but it depends as I will be down at Bristol with family as my brother is taking his resists and I'd rather not post on my iPad as the format may change and I'm used to a computer. So it may be next Sunday instead so just a warning to cover my back haha, I'll still talk soon though!

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