Sunday, 3 January 2016

Happy New Year

Hi everyone!
It seems crazy to me that now I can say we are in 2016..that just doesn't seem right to me. I know I'll still be writing 2015 all the time at school, it will take me a while to get used to the new year. Hope you all had a great Christmas and celebrated the last moments of 2015 doing what you love with the people you love!

I certainly did, I'm not the party type person so I just stayed at home with family playing board games (it got very competitive let me tell you). The game we played was called Catan and I did it.. I won!! I was pretty chuffed, it's basically where you have to collect enough resources to build roads, settlements then eventually cities. It's really good so if you're looking for a good board game because personally even with all the new technology we have I don't think board games have died out yet, then I recommend this one. Whereas my brother went out partying, we are honestly complete opposites, I do love to go out and party just only on special occasions and not all the time, I mean I'm still too self conscious to get drunk with my friends because we're around other people who I don't like/know. I get tipsy just not drunk, it's probably bad but the first time I'm going to get proper drunk will end up being on my girls holiday after I finish sixthform (because if that isn't the time to get totally pissed, then I don't know what is). We are thinking about going to somewhere in Spain, we just aren't sure specifically where yet, anyone have any ideas? We want somewhere we can party at night but also somewhere that is fun to visit during the day and a decent hotel, all of that at a cheap price is harder to find than you'd think so I appreciate all the help I can get!

Ok so I got a bit too excited when my unicorn onesie came in the post a few days ago, I did let out a scream (I can just feel everyone judging me..pls stop). I have reason too because oh my god it is the comfiest thing I've ever worn, the cutest thing and I am just totally obsessed with it. Even to the point that I've persuaded some of my friends to get one as well, if you're interested in what it looks like in case you want one then check it out down below:
It also has a tail which you can't see and a mane as well as the horn which of course you can see. So now my onesie collection consists of: a reindeer, polar bear and now a unicorn onesie to add to my collection. I love to get a new one every year, see I restrict myself I'm not that badly addicted..yet;) I feel like this poster I took a picture of when I went to a cafe with my mum is so relevant right now: guys I did it, my life potential has been fulfilled at last

(sorry but snapchat saw it first, I don't know if you'd want my username but if you do just ask below and I'll reply with it so I know you actually want it)

The downside was that after putting on my onesie I had to get back to my psychology revision which wasn't how I really wanted to spend my holidays. Although I needed to start someday as I know I'll end up being busy again or just getting distracted from work.. as we all know how easy that is *cough* Netflix. My main focus of school work was psychology revision and photography coursework. So as long as I did a fair bit of them both then I'd be well as binging on The Vampire Diaires of course. I mean how else would I survive revision;) Kinda bad but I finished all of season 6 of TVD in just over a week..think that's a new achievement for me! It was so good, sad about what happened but I don't want to ruin it for anyone if you get to watch it. (Warning-have tissues at the ready, I was bawling)

Now is the moment of truth, who looks better in the unicorn onesie, me...or my cat! Yep you heard me right, as if she couldn't get anymore adorable, here she is (clearly loving life I must add)

As if you haven't seen enough of my cat being cute, here is another from Christmas day of her hiding under the carpet when we were opening presents.
(Maybe she was in protest because we didn't get her anything, we actually did try but there was nothing good)

Guys, something heartbreaking happened yesterday, I got that dreaded text saying I'd ran out of 3G and it doesn't get renewed until next Saturday! How will I survive, I guess I shouldn't have watched that YouTube video using 3G, why is YouTube so damn addicting.

Enjoy the last week of the holidays! Quick question but does everyone start school again on Tuesday? The reason I'm asking this is because I have a friend who doesn't go back until Thursday and I found that so unfair, at least we have Monday off.
Until next week, byeee!

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