Sunday, 24 January 2016

Visiting Chester Uni

Hey guys!
Hope you're all doing well.

So yesterday was my first applicant day and first on the list was Chester. Now I applied for it basing it on the website thinking it looked cool and the course sounded good. I only just found out I've been there before when I was younger but I have no memory of it, so it was basically a new place to me. The centre of Chester where are all the shops were was lovely, I especially loved how there were shops on the ground floor them on the first floor with some having balconies. This was pretty unusual to me but it allowed there to be loads more shops which is a bonus. Here is a zoomed out our picture because if I crop it it'll look like I know the people in view and I don't, they're just randomers:

I went past something called the bridge of sighs where long ago people walked along that bridge before they were to be executed (lovely name that..) I took it before I knew the sad meaning behind it okay, I just thought it was a pretty picture (me summed up so bad):

So my first impressions of the city was pretty good but rewinding to the start of the day when I went to the university first..

I arrived there just before 11:30 where I signed in and picked up an applicant day programme. I went with my mum & dad so we got something to eat before going to an English Language/Literature/Creative Writing talk even though I'm only interested in the English Language course, some of the stuff applied to all courses like for example resources you can use their (plus it would have been rude to walk out during the middle of it but I was of course tempted) It was informative though as I met one of the lectures who I could be getting taught by if I went and she went through all the course modules in the presentation. The reassuring thing was that the guy say that if you find presentations really nerve wracking then just know it's worse a relatively small percentage of your course. I couldn't have been more relieved at that moment in time (holds self back from singing 1 moment in time..) because I couldn't think of a more terrifying thing to do than stand up and present in front of people (just no thanks) The building I was in was called the Binks building where the main reception was and where lectures and seminars are held regularly, shown below if you're interested in what it looks like:

Below is the English building which I did quite like the look of, as you can tell there's a modern feel to Chester but they have still kept the archaic architecture which I like:

There was also a students union which I now realise is a building each uni has which makes sense but again if you are looking at going to Chester (small chance because it's a small not as popular area but you never know then here..have another picture:
Studens pics

Although I did start of the day feeling very anxious, it's just when it kicks in that I'm visiting a university where I might soon be spending the next 3 years of my life and while I do try to be an independent person, like most people I still find it hard not to rely on family. I thought the change from GCSE to A Level was massive..I have a feeling the jump from A Level to University will be just as big if not way more. Aside from scaring myself into not going to uni, after the talk I went around to look at all the accommodation Chester had to offer. To be completely honest I wasn't that impressed, the first one I visited was catered so it was expensive anyway but then the room was so tiny and that's coming from someone who is used to having a tiny bedroom, so I'm not talking about a normal sized room. The others I went too was a more reasonable size but then it was self catered so it had an en suite which also meant even having your own kitchen! To me (who's no doubt an introvert) it would just be the worst because I would just isolate myself as I can do pretty much anything in my room I wouldn't need to leave (shush dirty minded people..) I know they were called studio flats so it was to be expected but a communal cooking area would be much better as it's another way to make friends as you already have the disadvantage of not meeting people when you go get food which is the bonus for people who choose to go catered. There is a perception that self catered is way cheaper but if you add in the price of buying food every week to the price of the accommodation it will work out to be a similar price to catering and also means less hassle & stress and it'll already be stressful enough moving away from home to uni without having to worry about buying food every week. Although thinking back now there was a cute set of houses which is part of student accommodation which was originally built for the teachers but then the students took over as they accepted more & more people, however as I said earlier these were the places that had everything in your room so I wouldn't want that. So I've decided I definitely want catered accommodation with a reasonable sized room & price and I don't mind shared bathrooms so you know I'm not actually asking for that much. Considering it costs £9000 to go to uni that's the least I should expect, am I right guys haha?!

Tadahhhh that was my experience of the day, I was going to go to a talk about student life there but I had pretty much heard it from people around and I thought I can always just go on student room and ask (good ol' student room) If you don't know what that is then it's just a place to ask questions about uni, school, personal stuff and just any questions about life in general, I guarantee if you have a question it will be already answered (unless it's specific to school work you're doing because then that doesn't count)

Guess what..
I asked my photography teacher what grade he thought I was currently at with my coursework (you know the one all about nature) and he really liked it and said I was on an A! I'm so chuffed because I was worried it might not be enough. I came back from collectng work at the printer and found my year 7 art teacher looking through my coursework as well as my photography teacher and I was even more surprised she actually remembered teaching me (especially as I was/still am one of the quieter kids..shout out to my homies haha sorry nope I take that back I know I ain't no drake even if I sometimes randomly speak like him..) She then presumed I was taking photography at university so I quickly and most definitely awkwardly, had to break the news to her that I was doing English instead. She was really lovely as she said if I ever get bored of English then I can definitely have a career in photography as I'm skilled at it so that's amazing that she thinks that, my response was erm okay thanks (as you can tell I'm not the best at what to say when recieving compliments) So I guess photography can now be my backup/plan b if everything else fails. I'm still optimistic though so I am going to do everything that I can do so that my plan a works.

Stick at it with school/uni/work and remind yourself that it's ok to have several breaks in between all that work! (I feel like an agony aunt or something.. just call me agony aunt soph;) on second thoughts please don't..)
I would have posted in the morning but I said to myself okay I'll watch 2 episodes of New Girl and that's enough, 1 and a half hours later I was like okay I really need to stop but who am I kidding, I can never have enough of it, such a funny show with great characters, another one of my many recommendations for you guys..the list is endless I'm sorry but now you have choice! Oh and if any of you have already watched some episodes then do you agree with me that Jess has amazing glasses, the rounder tortoise shells ones if anyone is wondering..I need them in my life!

So I rambled excessively today, sorry about that but I haven't in a while so that's my excuse:)
Talk more next week!

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