Monday, 4 April 2016

Looking After Cats

Hey guys!
Hope you've enjoyed your Easter holidays so far!

Now I have to properly think back about what I've done so far this week, doesn't help that whenever I have at least 2 weeks off school I always lose track of what day it is, is that just me?! From what my friends have said they do it too, probably because we don't write down the date everyday or have to remember to do work for a certain day.

I'm having a bit of a brain blank so I'll fast forward to Friday where I went to my friends 18th birthday party! She hired out this venue, well a big room in Harrogate and invited her family and friends which is where I come in. I got her this makeup bag and this small raspberry and lime bath oil from lush just as a little extra. I wanted to hide it so she'd have it as a little surprise, so I shredded part of a travel brochure so it was colourful and pink tissue paper because why not, turns out I hid it so well she had no idea until I told her! Luckily her mum found it after I told her there was something in the bag pheww.

I was also the photographer for the night, which started off pretty intimidating just for me personally because there was low levels of light and even with the no flash setting it just couldn't pick up enough light. This meant I obviously had to use the flash but as I was told and had to warn everyone about, it literally (well not literally but I'm aiming to exaggerate here okay..) blinded everyone. As people left and people started dancing I got better photographs because I used flash as everyone wasn't sat talking in their tables, and my photographer friend (I say that literally because she does photography a level with me) told me to use auto as it makes the background bright as well as the individual. Really I should have used that earlier but honestly I'm so used to using manual and adjusting that for myself that I forgot about auto, guess that's kinda good in a sense that I mostly do use my camera the way a proper professional would on fully manual settings (apart from auto focus because who has time for manual focus..) Anyway, I got some cool shots of my friends signing this message book she had, some group shots and some people dancing. I would post them but they aren't of me so I think that's be weird you know, well maybe not weird just too personal idk. For taking the pictures my friend bought me a cafe perk friends jumper which I love! I've gotten into wearing jumpers a lot recently which results in the best casual look ever. She also got me a mini egg Easter egg so yeah she's pretty amazing.

On a related side note, I actually had such a good time with my friends dancing and singing along to old classics and modern songs. I tweeted this earlier but it's so true I need to stop being so self conscious and let go more, I don't know why.. well I do but I like to be in control of myself (only me not others though) and I worry way too much about what other people think when half the time it isn't relevant and they probably don't even care! So life lesson tip from somebody still fighting the treacherous game of still learning and making mistakes but please if you're like me then even if it pushes you out of your comfort zone just go for it! Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone or any situation but it's so relevant sometimes because I often create scenarios of how something is gonna go before it even happens like I don't know why but I seriously think I can tell the future?! (Which just to clarify nope I can't...because I know you all couldn't rest unless I clarified that one)

For the past week and for another week I've been looking and will be continuing to look after 2 of my neighbours cats. Well 1 is hers but the other is a stray now but she has recently adopted him as it once came into her house and wouldn't leave so she's been so lovely and accepted him. Although I think when she gets home she is going to advertise the cat to make sure the owners aren't still looking for him. The reason why we know it hasn't always been a stray is because of how openly loving is like you can tell when a cat has been abused or just living on it's own compared to when it's been part of someone's family and let me tell you this cat definitely had! As soon as I open the front door to come in the house it sprawls on the floor ready to be stroked and purrs like crazy, it is such a cute cat! The other cat doesn't like the intrusion of the new cat as he eats so much food! Now that I've witnessed it he eats like crazy, but that isn't the only reason obviously the main reason is because that was the other cats home and she doesn't like the new cat invading her territory. I know this because my cat is this protective over her (well our) garden it's quite funny to watch.

Here are both of them being so adorable, again it's taken on my phone I don't carry my dslr around with me everywhere unfortunately.

This cat to the left has such a pretty face don't you think! (not as cute as my cat though..just had to get that in there;) This is my neighbour's actual pet but also yes I do get payed for looking after them, to me that's just the best job ever!

This cat is lets say her adopted pet, originally we adpoted him when we heard him miowing so loudly outside our house. We were worried of the owners looking for him though so we just fed and cuddled him and then let him go back outside again. That's why I was so happy when I found out I'd be reunited with the same stray cat I found before, it was such a fairytale moment (no exaggeration there)

This is why I love the new iPhone SE it is just the best new invention. If you haven't heard it has all the new qualities the iPhone 6 has but fits it into the size of an iPhone 5 which is the one I have now (iPhone 5C to be precise) So when I run out of my contract, I really want that phone because the camera quality should be so much better.

Yeah so after saying this wouldn't become a regular thing (posting on a happened again) sorry I just lose track of days (because of Easter holidays) and then I'm used to staying up late so it was gone 10:30 before I knew it and I don't think any of you would read it then? If you would then let me know because next time this happens (yeah you know me this will happen again) then I'll just post much later rather than waiting until the morning/afternoon depending on what time I wake up!

So I'll talk very soon, bye bye!

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